Time N+W

iOS mobile application

Start to finish iOS Developer

iOS, Objective-C, C & UIKit


Time N+W is an app that helps you tell time using peoples names instead of a city or a country, with the ability to add notifications while auto calculating timezone differences too !. Covering all Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ) time offsets, & all countries with over 500+ places. Using colorful Time Stripes to tell them apart. In two words, Its Instantaneous & Colorful !

Personal notes:

Time N+W is part of the N+W app bundle.

Influenced by the minimal -flat- design wave; N+W apps were designed with the absolute bare minimum visually and instantaneous.

N+W apps use their own UI components and custom made data IO engine built with C in order to achieve the fastest performance possible.

The color-centric design achieve an intuitive, attention retaining and easily organizable user experience.

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